Friday, June 27, 2008
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Isn’t this Communism when everyone has to do something no matter how menial even if it is degrading work? Sounds like Communism to me.
Can’t they hire some of those unemployed? There’s so many unemployed these days because of so few job openings. Sounds like Communism to me.
With all of this volunteering because our Country expects it of us, aren’t we losing jobs because people are expected to do it for free? And so there are more of us lining up at the food banks. Sounds like Communism to me.
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Friday, October 26, 2007
Friday, June 29, 2007
The Decorator's Touch?

Thursday, June 14, 2007
According to her, one of the reasons for downsizing was to work with less space and square footage. So the idea is to buy everything smaller. Smaller computers, phones, staplers, etc., so you will need less desk space and therefore you can buy a smaller desk with smaller drawers and made of thinner material and then you can have a smaller chair and therefore you will need less working space. When large Corporations use this method they ultimately can fit more employees into a smaller office or building therefore saving on property or lease expenses, etc., and still produce the same quality of work.
Why not apply this to our homes to take advantage of the savings of living in a smaller space. Let’s take the kitchen. Not buying that large refrigerator will save you several hundred dollars off the purchase price, will save on electricity in the long run and will make the kitchen look a little bigger. I’ve never had one of those beauties and I’ve never been short of fridge space. The same goes for all the appliances. Stick to the two-slice toaster instead of the four slice. Just how often will you use that Mixmaster? Do you really need an electric can opener? I can live without one. And just how many pots and pans and oven roasters do you need? What about the dishes? Those oversize ones look great on the table but you don’t need all that space for your food. You might even eat less if you don’t have that large plate to fill. Stick to the cutlery without the big thick handles and you’ll save some money and some of our precious resources.
Two small appliances I would recommend:
1. ~ A Bread Maker ~
2.~A Home Water Distiller~ (Let’s face it, there is a slim chance of our tap water quality improving to the point we feel it’s safe to drink. Let’s stop all this complaining since there is an alternative. If you would like to make a larger investment in water quality, there are several products on the market to choose from.)
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
Monday, June 4, 2007

Let’s focus on children’s sporting and dance activities. When I was growing up, rarely did we baby boomers enroll in soccer, hockey, dance, figure skating, etc., from the time we were four until we graduated high school. With what money? Now it seems we all enroll our children in these activities. Wonderful skills to have and lots of fun learning them. Every year they compete and each child receives a trophy or plaque as a memento or as a reward for winning.
Since both my parents passed away, it was necessary to sort through all their belongings and divide them between my siblings. My parents were very frugal just like the rest of their generation. They did not waste money on frivolous things and they lived with the necessities. What do we do with all those trinkets, knick knacks and things they held onto just because they paid good money for them even though they serve no purpose anymore or are just old, used and who wants it?
~ We sent them to the dump! ~
It will take awhile for all those trophies and plaques to get there (to the dump) but get there they will …. sooner or later. They are made of ~ precious resources …. ~ marble bases for the metal trophies, wood and metal for the plaques and let’s not forget that beautiful fabric they dressed up in for their dance recitals … and those elaborate Halloween costumes that we never in our wildest dreams thought about because they didn’t exist (and what about a-l-l t-h-a-t c-a-n-d-y, pumpkins and decorations)… and the resources used to manufacture the sports equipment.
~ How serious are we about this “Saving Our Environment” stuff? ~ How much are we willing to compromise?
Now that my kids are grown (and I don’t see them anymore) and I’m strapped for cash ~ oh, how I wish I hadn’t offered them all those luxuries that I wish I had been given the chance to enjoy as a child. The worst part is, although I have great memories of spoiling my kids with some of these things, they don’t remember. They were very young and their memories have dwindled. Actually, most of the memories are non existent ~ and ~ everyone else their age did these things. Like they were special!
Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Shouldn’t the City start a trend by doing this to the trees on City property? It’s not enough just to plant the trees they have to be maintained. Since we want to keep the economy growing, can’t they hire some trained forestry professionals and helpers for this work? It will sure boost the economy. This field has great possibilities since there are SO MANY TREES that need a manicure and next year there will be even more.
I’ve been told by foreigners that Canada is behind their part of the world in this end of the Forestry/Horticulture field.
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
Monday, April 30, 2007

Growing up in a Christian home, and it seems like a lifetime ago, we were always told wasting food was a sin and every time you throw out food someone in the world is going hungry.
Well, this is my part in helping to feed the world and let’s not forget helping our Mayor to meet his objective in cutting back on ~garbage~. Should we be wasting this food?
When you think about all the garnishes they put on our restaurant platters…… ~ lettuce leaves, ~ a spring of parsley, shredded beets. Can you add to the list? What about what they put in our drinks? Slices of orange, lemon, lime, maraschino cherries, olives and lets not forget the straws, toothpicks and fancy umbrellas. Can you add to the list? They look great but do you eat them?
Here’s a challenge! Let’s join forces and ask these restaurants to serve their food and drinks without garnishes. Is there anything else they can cut back on? Can you add to the list? Let’s let the Mayor in on this deal.
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Well, today was Earth Day, and a beautiful sunny day it was, and volunteers all over our GTA were out in rubber gloves ready to pick up the cigarette butts, paper cups and all the rest of the garbage all over the City that has accumulated over the winter as well as wiping graffiti off posts, walls, etc. This is an annual spring event in our City and the Mayor was interviewed thanking the volunteers for all their hard work and applauded their efforts in helping keep taxes down.
I disagree.
I know that by hiring a few hundred people to do this work over the next few months would hardly make a dent in the City’s budget even if they were to throw in free gloves for each person. Keeping in mind the unemployment situation, hiring people to do the work would take a great strain off the food banks and also help to boost the economy. Let’s face it, those paid workers would just turn around and spend the money on something.